Returning series are holy grail of programming for broadcasters and streamers. Fiction series that can be delivered consistently and cost-effectively season after season are the backbone of a strong programming schedule and a lucrative source of income for producers. As the streaming model moving towards an advertising model, the narrative format for series is changing as well.

Helion has an extensive track record in creating and consulting on long running series. At the moment, we are working on more than a dozen clients in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and the UK to help develop, package and sell original programs.

Series writing and development requires a very specific skill set, and the services that Helion offers range from helping structure series narrative arcs and characters to create compelling bibles, pilot scripts and pitch decks, to accessing it’s international network of distributors, broadcasters and talent agents to put together a team that will set clients series apart from the rest, through to setting up writer’s rooms and crafting cost-efficient production strageies.

Helion can put together bespoke solutions at based on each clients needs. Helion has created or produced more that 500 episodes of more than a dozen successful series across the US, UK and Europe, spanning genres from Crime, Histoical Drama, Documentaries, Comedy and Kids, working with broadcasters like HBO, CBS, TF1 and Canal +, France Television,SVT and TV4 Sweden, WDR Germany, Channel 4 UK, as well as Discovery, Sky, Disney and Nickelodeon.

 The secret to the success of event programming and long-running series is writing to pattern, so that workflow seamlessly integrates the writers’ vision with an effective production strategy, to ensure that what is on the script can be delivered with the production budget available.

Helion provides bespoke solutions for each client tailored to their needs, from facilitating Effective Development, Packing Programs, creating Compelling Pitches, setting up and running Writer’s Rooms, creating Production Integration Strategies and Mentoring novice showrunners.